Have You Ever Broken a Bone? My Journey with Precaution and Divine Blessings.

Journey With Precaution And Blessings

Have you ever broken a bone?

“Through the challenges of Sciatica and mindful precautions, I have remained unhurt, embracing both practical vigilance and the divine protection of Durga Devi to safeguard my well-being.”
Krishna Moorthy M

Throughout my life, I’ve had my fair share of health challenges, the most prominent being Sciatica. This ailment has taught me a great deal about the importance of physical well-being and the necessity of taking precautions to avoid further injuries.

Living with Sciatica

Sciatica can be a debilitating condition, affecting my ability to move and function normally at times. The pain radiates from the lower back through the hips and down each leg, which can make everyday activities quite challenging. This ongoing struggle with Sciatica has heightened my awareness of my body and the potential for injuries.

Dietary Considerations

In addition to managing Sciatica, I also need to be cautious about my diet, particularly my intake of pepper. While pepper can have many health benefits, for someone like me, it poses a liability. Excessive consumption can exacerbate inflammation and discomfort, which is why I have to monitor my diet closely.

Precautionary Measures

Given these health concerns, I am particularly vigilant about avoiding injuries. I believe in the power of precautionary measures. Before engaging in any physical activity, I meticulously scan and analyze the potential risks and impacts. This proactive approach helps me prevent accidents and maintain my well-being.

A Record of No Broken Bones

Despite the challenges posed by Sciatica and other health considerations, I am grateful to say that I have never broken any bones in my body. This is not a matter of luck but rather the result of careful planning, awareness, and a commitment to safety.

Prayers and Divine Protection

Beyond physical precautions, I also seek spiritual protection. I regularly pray for steady state, precautionary foresight, and the blessings of Durga Devi against bone injuries. My faith in Durga Devi provides me with a sense of security and peace, knowing that I am under divine protection.

My journey with Sciatica and my cautious approach to physical activities have kept me unhurt and free from serious injuries. By combining practical precautions with spiritual practices, I strive to maintain my health and well-being. As I continue to navigate life’s challenges, I remain grateful for the blessings and protection that keep me safe.

Stay cautious, stay blessed, and may Durga Devi protect us all from harm.

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Balancing Work and Home Life: A Dharmic Perspective.

A Dharmic Perspective of Work – Life Balance

How do you balance work and home life?

“Balancing work and home life is not a mere juggling act but a harmonious integration of purpose, spirituality, and continuous self-improvement, grounded in the timeless principles of Sanatana Dharma.”
Krishna Moorthy M

Balancing work and home life can be a challenging endeavor, but with a structured approach rooted in the timeless wisdom of Sanatana Dharma, it is not only possible but can lead to a harmonious and fulfilling existence. Here’s how I integrate my spiritual practices, entrepreneurial goals, and personal life to achieve a well-rounded balance.

Morning Rituals for a Strong Start

The foundation of my day begins early in the morning, embracing the tranquility before the world awakens. My morning rituals are sacred: emptying my bowels with salted water, cleansing my body with warm water, performing Sandhya Vandana, and reading the Shiva Sahasranama. These practices not only invigorate my body but also ground my mind, setting a positive tone for the day. This early start is the cornerstone of my productivity, allowing me to tackle work with a clear mind and focused energy.

Structured Work Approach

As an entrepreneur deeply involved in business development, consulting services, and managing Energize Cult Cafe Inc, it’s essential to maintain a structured approach to work. I set clear milestones and goals, ensuring that my professional activities align with my long-term vision of achieving significant financial success and conducting high-value B2B transactions.

Integrating Spirituality into Work

My professional journey is not separate from my spiritual path. The principles of Sanatana Dharma guide my business ethics, promoting integrity, compassion, and the welfare of my community. I aim to create educational institutions that teach Vedic life, emphasizing traditional values and producing well-rounded individuals. This alignment of work and spiritual purpose ensures that my professional efforts are fulfilling and impactful.

Celebrating Thithis and Holidays

Observing important Thithis with Upasana and Puja rituals is a vital part of my life. Celebrating festivals such as Navaratri Puja, Maha Shivaratri, Diwali, and Krishna Janmashtami with family and community reinforces my cultural roots and provides a sense of belonging and joy. These celebrations are not just breaks from work but essential for maintaining a balanced and enriched life.

Prioritizing Family and Social Connections

Despite my busy schedule, I make it a priority to spend quality time with family and friends. Social interactions and mingling within the community are crucial for my well-being. It’s through these connections that I draw strength and inspiration, ensuring that I am not isolated in my professional pursuits.

Continuous Self-Improvement

I believe in the power of small, consistent improvements. Shedding old habits and embracing positive changes is a continuous process. This philosophy of self-improvement applies to both my personal and professional life, enabling me to grow and adapt in all aspects.

Embracing Nature and Simple Joys

Lastly, appreciating the beauty and cultural significance of nature, especially fruits, reminds me of the abundance and blessings of life. These simple joys keep me grounded and grateful, enhancing my overall well-being.

Balancing work and home life is about creating harmony between your professional aspirations and personal values. By integrating spirituality, setting structured goals, celebrating cultural traditions, and continuously improving, I find that both my work and home life are enriched and balanced. This holistic approach, deeply rooted in the principles of Sanatana Dharma, ensures that I lead a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy.

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Reminiscent Past: What Sacrifices Have You Made in Life?

Reminiscent Past Which Identifies One Into An Established Political Deem

What sacrifices have you made in life?

“My journey, marked by humble beginnings and steady growth, reminds me that resilience and gratitude can lead to progress without significant sacrifices.”
Krishna Moorthy M

Life is often a series of challenges, triumphs, and, for many, sacrifices. Reflecting on my own journey, I’ve come to realize that my path has been relatively steady, shaped more by humble beginnings and continuous growth rather than significant sacrifices. Here’s a glimpse into my experience and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Humble Beginnings and Steady Growth

From the outset, my life has been characterized by modest beginnings. Growing up in an environment where resources were limited, I learned the value of hard work, perseverance, and gratitude. These early experiences instilled in me a sense of determination and a drive to make the most of every opportunity.

Despite the challenges, I’ve been fortunate to experience a steady state of progress. Each step forward has been a testament to the efforts invested and the resilience built over time. This steady growth has set the trend for my life, allowing me to move ahead without feeling the weight of major sacrifices.

No Significant Sacrifices Made

When I reflect on my journey, I realize that I haven’t had to make any significant sacrifices. This might seem unusual in a world where many stories of success are intertwined with tales of substantial personal sacrifices. However, my path has been different. Instead of having to give up something crucial, I’ve been able to find balance and make choices that align with my values and goals.

This doesn’t mean my journey has been without challenges or difficult decisions. There have been moments of compromise and instances where I’ve had to prioritize certain aspects of my life over others. But these decisions have always felt like part of the natural progression rather than sacrifices.

Praying for a Steady State Ahead

Looking ahead, my hopes and prayers are centered around maintaining this steady state. I strive to continue growing, learning, and achieving without having to face significant sacrifices. My journey so far has taught me the importance of resilience, adaptability, and gratitude. These values will guide me as I move forward, helping me navigate any challenges that come my way.

While my life hasn’t been marked by significant sacrifices, it has been a journey of continuous growth and steady progress. I am grateful for the humble beginnings that shaped my character and the steady path that has allowed me to move forward without major sacrifices. As I look to the future, I remain hopeful and prayerful for continued growth and stability, always ready to embrace whatever comes my way with resilience and gratitude.

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What’s the Oldest Thing You’re Wearing Today?

Oldest Things That I Wear Even Today.

What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today?

“Wearing the oldest items today isn’t just about nostalgia; it’s a celebration of the journey, the memories, and the lessons that have shaped who I am.”
Krishna Moorthy M

As I reflect on the items I’m wearing today, it’s fascinating to consider their histories and the memories they hold. Each piece is a testament to a different chapter in my life, carrying stories and emotions that make them more than just clothing or accessories. Let’s take a closer look at the oldest items I’m wearing today:

Old Timex Digital Watch

This vintage piece has been on my wrist for years, a reliable companion through countless moments. My old Timex digital watch is a symbol of endurance and consistency. Despite the advances in technology and the influx of smartwatches, this watch remains a steadfast part of my daily attire. Its simplistic design and durable nature remind me of a time when gadgets were built to last, and its ticking hands connect me to a sense of timeless reliability.

Birthday Suit of My 17th Birthday

No, I’m not referring to what you might think! This “birthday suit” is the outfit I wore on my 17th birthday—a day that feels like it was just yesterday, yet marks a significant passage of time. This outfit holds sentimental value, a tangible reminder of my youth and the aspirations I held back then. Wearing it today feels like a bridge between past and present, allowing me to carry a piece of my younger self forward as I navigate adulthood.

Cricket Jersey Top of 1995 World Cup – India

Sport has always been a unifying force, and my cricket jersey from the 1995 World Cup holds a special place in my heart. It represents not just a game, but a moment in history when the entire nation was united in excitement and hope. Wearing this jersey top today brings back the thrill of watching those matches, the pride in our team, and the camaraderie shared with fellow fans. It’s more than just fabric; it’s a piece of our sporting heritage.

Slap Band of Football Theme

Slap bands were all the rage back in the day, and my football-themed slap band is a nostalgic accessory that takes me back to my school days. This simple, fun piece represents the playful spirit of youth, the joy of collecting trendy items, and the passion for football that I shared with friends. Wearing it today is a nod to those carefree days and a reminder to keep that youthful enthusiasm alive in my heart.

Embracing the Past in the Present

Wearing these old items isn’t just about nostalgia; it’s about honoring the journey I’ve been on and the experiences that have shaped me. Each piece carries a story, a memory, and a lesson. They remind me of who I was, how far I’ve come, and the values I hold dear. In a world that’s constantly pushing for the new and the next, these items are my way of staying grounded, connected to my roots, and appreciative of the journey.

So, what’s the oldest thing you’re wearing today? Take a moment to reflect on the stories your clothes and accessories hold. You might find that they offer a beautiful glimpse into the chapters of your life that have brought you to where you are today.

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Striking a Balance: Are You a Leader or a Follower?

Truth Of Balanced Life

Are you a leader or a follower?

“Striking a balance for Mother Nature is the essence of Dharma; in every phase of life, whether leading or following, we must act with gratitude and integrity to ensure harmony and well-being for all.”
Krishna Moorthy M

In contemplating whether I am a leader or a follower, I find it essential to explore the broader context of how our actions align with the principles of Dharma (righteousness) and Adharma (unrighteousness). The world, as I see it, is divided into those who are religious and thankful, embodying Dharma, and those who are irreligious and arrogant, embodying Adharma.

The Dichotomy of Dharma and Adharma

Dharma represents a life of gratitude, righteousness, and respect for the natural order. It is about living harmoniously with Mother Nature, understanding the interconnectedness of all things, and acting with compassion and integrity. On the other hand, Adharma is characterized by arrogance, selfishness, and a disregard for the well-being of others and the environment.

The Phase of Life and Its Influence

Our phase of life significantly determines the course of action we need to take to survive and thrive. In certain stages, we may need to assert ourselves and lead, while in others, it might be more appropriate to follow and learn. This dynamic interplay between leading and following is crucial for personal growth and societal harmony.

Striking a Balance: The Winning Bid of the Thankful

For those who follow Dharma, knowing when to strike a balance is the key to success. It is about understanding the right moment to act and the right moment to hold back. This delicate balance ensures that our actions are in harmony with the greater good and contribute to the well-being of all. Striking a balance means leading with empathy, making decisions that consider the broader impact on society and nature, and fostering an environment where everyone can flourish.

Ruining a Balance: The Winning Bid of the Arrogant

Conversely, those who embody Adharma often win by disrupting balance. Their actions are driven by self-interest and a desire for immediate gain, regardless of the consequences. This approach might bring short-term success, but it often leads to long-term harm and instability. Ruining a balance means exploiting others and the environment for personal gain, leading to discord and destruction.

My Path: A Follower of Dharma

As a follower of Dharma, I prefer to strike a balance for Mother Nature. I believe in leading by example, showing gratitude for the blessings of life, and making choices that promote sustainability and harmony. Whether in moments of leadership or times of following, my actions are guided by the principles of Dharma, aiming to create a positive impact on the world around me.

The question of being a leader or a follower is deeply intertwined with our values and the principles we choose to uphold. By adhering to Dharma, we can lead with wisdom and compassion, ensuring that our actions benefit both humanity and the natural world. This is the path I strive to walk, balancing leadership and followership in a way that honors Mother Nature – Adi Shakti and all her creations.

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My Top 5 Favorite Fruits: A Journey Through Taste and Tradition.

My Top 5 Favorite Fruits

List your top 5 favorite fruits.

“Fruits are more than just nourishment; they are a testament to the beauty and abundance of nature, each carrying unique flavors, memories, and cultural significance that enrich our lives.”
Krishna Moorthy M

Fruits have always been a source of nourishment and delight in my life. They not only provide essential nutrients but also carry a rich history and cultural significance. Here are my top five favorite fruits, each with its corresponding Sanskrit name and an explanation of why they hold a special place in my heart.

Apple (सेवफलम् – Sevaphalam)

The apple, or सेवफलम् (Sevaphalam) in Sanskrit, is a symbol of health and vitality. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, as the saying goes. Apples are rich in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, making them a powerhouse of nutrition. Whether eaten fresh, baked, or juiced, apples are versatile and delicious. Their crisp texture and sweet-tart flavor make them a favorite snack anytime. Beyond their taste and health benefits, apples also remind me of the simple joys of life and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Mango (आम्रफलम् – Amraphalam)

The mango, known as आम्रफलम् (Amraphalam) in Sanskrit, is often referred to as the “king of fruits.” This tropical delight is synonymous with summer and has a special place in many cultures. Mangoes are packed with vitamins A and C, and their juicy, sweet flesh is incredibly refreshing. From ripe mango slices to tangy mango chutneys and smooth mango lassis, this fruit is a versatile ingredient in various dishes. The mere thought of mangoes brings back memories of hot summer days, family gatherings, and the joy of sharing this delicious fruit with loved ones.

Purple Grapes (द्राक्षा – Draksha)

Purple grapes, or द्राक्षा (Draksha) in Sanskrit, are small yet mighty fruits that pack a punch of flavor and nutrition. Rich in antioxidants, particularly resveratrol, grapes are known for their heart-health benefits. I love the burst of sweetness that comes with every bite, and their versatility in being enjoyed fresh, dried as raisins, or in the form of juice and wine. Purple grapes are a reminder of the beauty of nature’s bounty and the importance of savoring life’s small pleasures.

Banana (कदलीफलम् – Kadaliphalam)

The banana, or कदलीफलम् (Kadaliphalam) in Sanskrit, is a staple fruit known for its convenience and nutritional benefits. Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamin B6, and dietary fiber, making them an excellent choice for a quick energy boost. Their creamy texture and natural sweetness make them a favorite for smoothies, desserts, and even savory dishes. Bananas are a testament to the idea that great things often come in simple packages. They remind me of the value of simplicity and the importance of staying grounded.

Coconut (नारिकेलम् – Narikelam)

The coconut, known as नारिकेलम् (Narikelam) in Sanskrit, is a versatile fruit that offers both nutrition and hydration. Every part of the coconut can be utilized—the water is refreshing and hydrating, the flesh is rich in healthy fats, and the oil is used in cooking and skincare. Coconuts symbolize tropical paradise and have a deep cultural significance in many traditions. They remind me of the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of using resources wisely.

These fruits not only nourish my body but also enrich my soul with their flavors, memories, and cultural significance. They are a testament to the beauty and abundance of nature, each offering unique benefits and joys. What are your favorite fruits, and what do they mean to you? Let’s celebrate the wonderful world of fruits together!

Favourite Fruit
Guess The Fruit – Fun Game
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Elevating Life: One Small Improvement at a Time.

Elevating Life: One Small Improvement at a Time.

What’s one small improvement you can make in your life?

“Amidst the grind of hard work, I’ve learned that small improvements can anchor us to purpose, freeing us from the weight of nonchalance, self-righteousness, repetitions, and dissonances, propelling us towards a life of meaning and fulfillment.”
Krishna Moorthy M

After a year of hard work and introspection, I’ve come to realize the power of small improvements in transforming our lives. It’s about taking conscious steps towards growth, shedding old habits, and embracing positive change.

One small improvement that resonates deeply with me is anchoring down a few things, people, and places that hinder my progress. These anchors weigh me down, holding me back from reaching my full potential. It’s time to screw them down under my feet and rise above.

Firstly, nonchalance has no place in a life of purpose and passion. It’s about being fully present, engaged, and committed to every moment and endeavor. By cultivating mindfulness and intentionality, I can infuse meaning into every aspect of my life.

Secondly, abstract self-righteousness often clouds our judgment and hinders empathy and understanding. It’s vital to embrace humility, empathy, and open-mindedness, fostering meaningful connections and collaborations.

Thirdly, meaningless repetitions and mundane pursuits drain our energy and creativity. It’s time to break free from the monotony, explore new avenues, and pursue activities that ignite passion and joy.

Lastly, dissonances in relationships and environments create unnecessary stress and discord. It’s crucial to address conflicts, communicate openly, and foster harmonious connections that nurture growth and positivity.

By making these small yet significant improvements, I am stepping into a life of purpose, fulfillment, and alignment. Each step forward brings me closer to the best version of myself, empowered to create a life of meaning and impact.

Join me on this journey of transformation. What small improvement can you make in your life today? Let’s elevate together and embrace the beauty of continuous growth and self-improvement.

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The Unseen Impact: A Story of Quiet Influence.

A Story Of Quiet Influence

Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

“Amidst the solitude, the quiet influences shine brightest, reminding us to cherish the unseen heroes who shape our stories with their gentle acts of kindness and wisdom.”
Krishna Moorthy M

In a world where social status often defines our interactions and connections, there exists a narrative of quiet influence—a story of someone who had a profound impact on my life, despite being relatively unknown to society.

I am not a socially known person, nor have I ever sought the limelight or recognition. I’ve lived a life of solitude, a lone monk on a quest for knowledge and enlightenment. In this solitary journey, I’ve encountered moments of introspection, growth, and self-discovery.

Amidst this solitude, there was someone—a silent presence—who left an indelible mark on my life. They were not a public figure or a renowned mentor. They were simply an ordinary individual, yet extraordinary in their ability to inspire and uplift.

This person never got the chance to share or bear the burdens of life with me in a conventional sense. Our interactions were subtle, often unnoticed by the world. Yet, their words of wisdom, acts of kindness, and unwavering support shaped my perspective, instilled courage, and fueled my aspirations.

Their impact was not loud or flashy. It was quiet, gentle, and profound. They believed in me, even when I doubted myself. They encouraged me to embrace my uniqueness, pursue my passions, and stay true to my values.

As I continue on my journey, I am still waiting for people to notice me in their life. But through this experience, I’ve learned that impact is not always measured by visibility or fame. It’s about the genuine connections we forge, the wisdom we share, and the love we embody.

To that unsung hero who made a positive impact on my life, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your influence may go unnoticed by the world, but it has left an everlasting imprint on my soul. Thank you for being a beacon of light in my journey of self-discovery and growth.

In this vast tapestry of life, let us cherish the unseen influences—the quiet heroes—who shape our stories and make our lives richer, one quiet act of kindness at a time.

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Exploring the Essence of Freedom: A Personal Reflection.

A Personal Reflection Of Essence Of Freedom

What does freedom mean to you?

“Freedom is the canvas upon which we paint our autonomy, diversity, and collective aspirations, weaving a tapestry of inclusivity, justice, and limitless possibilities for a thriving world.”
Krishna Moorthy M

Freedom is a concept that transcends mere existence; it embodies the essence of autonomy, choice, and individuality. For me, freedom resonates on multiple levels, shaping my beliefs, values, and aspirations.

Personal Autonomy

At its core, freedom manifests as personal autonomy—the ability to make choices and decisions that align with my beliefs, aspirations, and values. It’s about the freedom to express myself authentically, pursue my passions, and chart my own path in life.

Cultural and Societal Freedom

Beyond individual autonomy, freedom extends to cultural and societal realms. It encompasses the freedom to celebrate diversity, embrace inclusivity, and advocate for equality and justice. It’s about creating a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and contribute their unique perspectives and talents.

Political Freedom

Political freedom is another crucial aspect, encompassing the right to participate in democratic processes, express dissent, and hold those in power accountable. It involves safeguarding individual liberties, ensuring transparency and accountability in governance, and fostering a society where rights and freedoms are upheld for all.

Freedom of Belief and Expression

Freedom also includes the liberty to hold diverse beliefs, express opinions, and engage in meaningful dialogue. It’s about fostering an environment where ideas can be freely exchanged, debated, and refined, leading to collective growth and progress.

Freedom as a Pragmatic Denial

In some contexts, freedom also involves a pragmatic denial—a recognition that true freedom requires responsible choices and consideration for the well-being of others and the broader community. It’s about finding a balance between individual freedoms and collective responsibilities, ensuring that freedom is not at the expense of others’ rights and dignities.

Freedom, to me, is not just a concept but a lived experience—a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and collective evolution. It’s about embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and championing the values of liberty, justice, and equality. As I navigate through life, freedom remains a guiding principle, shaping my actions, choices, and contributions to a world where freedom truly thrives for all.

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Navigating Differences: Understanding My Disagreement with Rahul Gandhi.

My Disagreement With Mr. Rahul Gandhi

What public figure do you disagree with the most?

“Engaging in meaningful dialogue is not about agreement but understanding, respecting differences while striving for common ground, and fostering a vibrant, inclusive discourse for a better tomorrow.”
Krishna Moorthy M

In the realm of politics, disagreement is inevitable, and often, it stems from fundamental differences in ideology, approach, and vision. One public figure with whom I find myself in disagreement is Rahul Gandhi of the Indian National Congress (INC). This disagreement is not personal but rather based on observations of his political strategies, particularly regarding propaganda politics and certain ideological stances.


Rahul Gandhi’s personality as a public figure often comes under scrutiny and critique. While some admire his passion and dedication, others find his approach lacking in certain aspects. From a critical perspective, his public persona sometimes appears to overshadow substantive policy discussions, leading to a focus on rhetoric rather than concrete plans and solutions.

Fact: Propaganda Politics

One of the areas where my disagreement with Rahul Gandhi is most pronounced is in the realm of propaganda politics. While political messaging and communication are essential in reaching and engaging with the public, an overreliance on propaganda tactics can detract from genuine dialogue and transparency. It’s crucial for political leaders to prioritize facts, evidence-based policies, and meaningful discourse over sensationalism or manipulative messaging.

Political Goal: Pragmatic Denial of Freedom, Spiritual Exclusivity, Belief in Disorder

In examining Rahul Gandhi’s political goals, certain aspects give rise to disagreement. The pragmatic denial of freedom, whether in terms of stifling dissent or limiting individual liberties, raises concerns about the preservation of democratic values. Additionally, notions of spiritual exclusivity or beliefs that promote disorder rather than harmony may not align with broader societal aspirations for inclusivity, unity, and progress.

Navigating Disagreements with Respect

While disagreement is healthy in a democratic society, it’s essential to navigate these differences with respect, civility, and a focus on constructive dialogue. Critiquing political figures should be based on policies, actions, and principles rather than personal attacks or biases. Engaging in meaningful discussions, listening to diverse perspectives, and striving for common ground are vital steps in fostering a vibrant and inclusive political discourse.

While I may disagree with certain aspects of Rahul Gandhi’s approach and political goals, I recognize the complexity of political dynamics and the importance of respectful engagement in shaping a better future for all.

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