Have You Ever Broken a Bone? My Journey with Precaution and Divine Blessings.

Journey With Precaution And Blessings

Have you ever broken a bone?

“Through the challenges of Sciatica and mindful precautions, I have remained unhurt, embracing both practical vigilance and the divine protection of Durga Devi to safeguard my well-being.”
Krishna Moorthy M

Throughout my life, I’ve had my fair share of health challenges, the most prominent being Sciatica. This ailment has taught me a great deal about the importance of physical well-being and the necessity of taking precautions to avoid further injuries.

Living with Sciatica

Sciatica can be a debilitating condition, affecting my ability to move and function normally at times. The pain radiates from the lower back through the hips and down each leg, which can make everyday activities quite challenging. This ongoing struggle with Sciatica has heightened my awareness of my body and the potential for injuries.

Dietary Considerations

In addition to managing Sciatica, I also need to be cautious about my diet, particularly my intake of pepper. While pepper can have many health benefits, for someone like me, it poses a liability. Excessive consumption can exacerbate inflammation and discomfort, which is why I have to monitor my diet closely.

Precautionary Measures

Given these health concerns, I am particularly vigilant about avoiding injuries. I believe in the power of precautionary measures. Before engaging in any physical activity, I meticulously scan and analyze the potential risks and impacts. This proactive approach helps me prevent accidents and maintain my well-being.

A Record of No Broken Bones

Despite the challenges posed by Sciatica and other health considerations, I am grateful to say that I have never broken any bones in my body. This is not a matter of luck but rather the result of careful planning, awareness, and a commitment to safety.

Prayers and Divine Protection

Beyond physical precautions, I also seek spiritual protection. I regularly pray for steady state, precautionary foresight, and the blessings of Durga Devi against bone injuries. My faith in Durga Devi provides me with a sense of security and peace, knowing that I am under divine protection.

My journey with Sciatica and my cautious approach to physical activities have kept me unhurt and free from serious injuries. By combining practical precautions with spiritual practices, I strive to maintain my health and well-being. As I continue to navigate life’s challenges, I remain grateful for the blessings and protection that keep me safe.

Stay cautious, stay blessed, and may Durga Devi protect us all from harm.

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